As my birthday month draws to a close, I realized that I need to step my game up with this Serious Writing Thing I keep going on and on about. One of my fears is coming out as a fraud, to myself and my peers. I must admit, I've done a lot of undocumented soul-searching when it comes to the direction of this blog and my future written forays. I vow to bring it strong.
One of my she-roes, Octavia E. Butler made it abundantly clear that she was going to do what she said. In a recently publicized journal, Ms. Butler wrote her desires down, her angled font seeming to highlight the anxiety yet stubborn vision that I feel embodies my own journey with this blog. The award-winning author of diasporically-inclusive speculative and science fiction surely made her mark in this world before her untimely death on 2006.
2016 is a Leap Year. It also happens to be the year after my highly anxiety-ridden #JesusYear. For what it was worth, I feel as if I made a strong effort to power through many trials and tribulations, and have yet so much more to learn about my own strength and endurance in the face of so many compounded emotional and physical challenges.
Last year my back made her presence known, and she was a crotchety, cranky bitch half the time. She made me aware that I was getting out of shape, literally taking the shape of a perpetual question mark, and that I needed to pay more attention to my tendency to physically and mentally internalize stress.
The year that was 2015 certainly was a blaring reminder that if I did not take better care of my physical self, none of the personal and professionnal development I've been anguishing about would amount to much.
Well, turning this new page has been an exercise in force of will, countless prayers and a stubborn vision of my own house on my own land in my own country (where did that come from?!).
In the style of the Kindred author, I state that this year I will Sing, Teach Write and Fly. Once again. As always! I will say yes more to opportunities that pass my way, however seemingly unorthodox, if it puts me on my path of travel and professional pursuit. I will make it back to my country of birth and celebrate 50 years of I dependence, and start the process to claim a swath as my rightful own. I will find solid writing gigs that showcase my talent as well as give voice to images and thoughts long held inside. I will confront my fears and discomforts. I will get back into shape, and bring so many other along with me.
Ready to ride, dear reader? Get on this horse.
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