Happy New Year, World. We survived, we thrived. And here I am committing to writing 500 words a day for the next 31 days. Woo-hoo! I suffer from too much prep and not enough step. This is a self-diagnosis, and as such, is subjective at best in its scope of analysis. Writer's Block is something that many of us have dealt with from time to time, and for an unfortunate few, it stymies their creative product for long stretches of time; months, years, even.
I am a bit stubborn, though, and since it is the first art and creative outlet that I took to at a young age, it is a combination of cathartic therapy as well as confounding instrument I am doggedly determined to hone and perfect. That and singing.
I've done a 31- Day challenge before in this blog, several years ago, so it seems fitting that at the beginning of my new 7-year cycle, at the renewal of it all, I embark upon such a necessary journey again.
My goals are: to delve deeper into topics that have been swirling around my head or capture the most poignant part of a recent discussion with a friend or acquaintance. I want to highlight personal endeavors and their progress, and be accountable to my friends, fellow writing colleagues, and even a few family members that may take an interest in this production.
I am doing this alongside daily study and research, and brand-building exercises that will hopefully culminate in the launch of my own website and domain (there, I finally said it!).
Another transition that I am going through is already about a month underway. I resigned from my position of the past three years on December 7th, and am actively looking for work. That’s not to say that I am unemployed and have nothing to do all day (obviously), oh no. I may have more free time for a while to pursue several objectives, but I am busy. I am occupied. I am positively swamped.
A vision board is definitely on the agenda, and a few life- and goal-affirming women’s retreats. I am a habitual list-maker and hope to one day publish some of the more memorable ones, but I feel that making a shift to a more visual (and audio) manifestation of what I am and will continue to accomplish this year is a personal project of mine.
Each day I will pick a topic from a question posed to me or that I have. I will try my best to stay on topic as it pertains to personal journeys, independent travel, being a Black woman in her mid-thirties, and being a bit of a curious nerd about life in general.
I am also going to push my comfort zone more in the pursuit of romance (what in the world am I getting myself into?!) and saying “yes” more often than no. I won’t find myself in a happy and healthy partnership if I don’t make myself available (mentally, financially, emotionally, etc.), right? Bring on the charming men! I’ve been on a few dates already for the year, and I must say that it is a significant challenge for me to decide who to swipe right on. The internal conversation always involves an assessment of my flight of fancy, how superficial my motivation is (hotness factor over substance as presented in a limited and somewhat contrived online profile), and whether I am just being experimental or genuine with a particular candidate. There, over 500 for the day. I feel sick, and lighter at the same time!